Real Estate Buying Guide for Foreigners in Turkey

Real Estate Buying Guide for Foreigners in Turkey

Turkey, with its natural beauty, historical richness, and strategic location, is an attractive country not only for tourists but also for investors. In recent years, there has been a significant interest from foreign investors in purchasing real estate in Turkey. This guide will detail the steps, legal processes, and advantages of investing in property for foreigners in Turkey.

1. Can Foreigners Buy Property in Turkey?

Yes, Turkish laws allow foreign nationals to purchase property in Turkey, with certain restrictions. A new law that came into effect in 2012 removed the reciprocity condition, enabling citizens from over 180 countries to own real estate in Turkey.

2. The Real Estate Buying Process in Turkey

As a foreign investor, you need to follow these steps to buy real estate in Turkey:

2.1. Finding the Right Property

The first step is finding a property that meets your needs. In tourist areas like Alanya, holiday homes, investment apartments, and luxury villas are popular options. Working with a reliable real estate agent can help you make the right investment.

2.2. Application to the Land Registry Office

The purchase of real estate by foreigners in Turkey is managed by the Land Registry Office. The transfer of property ownership is conducted here, and the legal process starts at this point. Foreign investors must ensure that the property they are purchasing is not located in a military-restricted zone.

2.3. Obtaining a Tax Number

Foreigners who wish to purchase property in Turkey must obtain a tax identification number. You can get this number from any tax office by presenting your passport. This tax number will be used for many official transactions, including real estate purchases.

2.4. Opening a Bank Account

To make payments for the property purchase, you will need to open a bank account in Turkey. You can open an account with your passport, tax number, and address information at a local bank.

2.5. Signing the Sales Contract

A sales contract must be signed for the property you wish to purchase. This contract should include details such as the payment plan, delivery date, and the condition of the property. It is recommended to have a lawyer manage this process for you.

2.6. Title Deed Transfer and Payments

The final step is the transfer of the title deed. The transfer takes place at the Land Registry Office and is completed with the signatures of both the buyer and the seller. During this process, the buyer is required to pay certain fees and taxes based on the property's value.

3. Legal Requirements and Taxes for Foreigners

Some of the legal processes and taxes that foreigners should be aware of when purchasing property in Turkey include:

  • Title Deed Fee: 4% of the sale price of the property (can be shared between the buyer and seller).
  • VAT (Value Added Tax): Usually applies to first-hand properties. However, foreigners purchasing real estate in Turkey for the first time may be exempt from VAT under certain conditions.
  • Property Tax: This is an annual tax paid to the local municipality based on the value of the property.

4. Advantages of Buying Property in Turkey for Foreigners

There are many advantages to purchasing property in Turkey for foreign investors:

  • High Return Potential: Real estate prices in Turkey's major cities and tourist areas provide high long-term returns.
  • Eligibility for Turkish Citizenship: Foreigners who invest $400,000 USD or more in real estate in Turkey are eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship, which has become a major incentive for investors.
  • Rental Income in Tourist Areas: If you invest in a property in a tourist area like Alanya, you can generate high rental income by renting out your property during the holiday season.

5. Important Considerations When Investing

Foreign investors should pay attention to the following important points:

  • Working with a Reliable Consultant: As there may be cases of fraud in the real estate market, it is recommended to work with a reliable real estate agent and lawyer.
  • Legal Status of the Property: The title deed, zoning status, and other legal documents of the property should be thoroughly checked.


Turkey offers great opportunities for foreign investors. Investors can own a holiday home while making a profitable investment. By following the right steps and working with reliable consultants, buying property in Turkey can be an easy and profitable experience.

If you are planning to invest in Turkey, you can contact our professional team to help you find the most suitable property and manage the entire process smoothly.